Country Fried Steak

Hi guys, this recipe you are going to love.  This is a comfort food that always goes great with some mashed potatoes and white gravy.

This is not a dish I make often due to the frying, but it is a treat when we do have it.  There isn’t that much work that goes into making this dish, but I normally make this one on the weekends when I have more time to cook.




4 cube steaks

1 ½ tsp. garlic powder

1 ½ tsp. onion powder

1 tsp. steak seasoning (optional)

salt and pepper to taste

2 eggs (with 2 tbsp. water added)

4 cups flour

1 cup oil for frying



To set up dredging station you will need to deep dishes for the flour and eggs.  I used two pie pans they always work great for dredging.

Whisk the eggs and water together well.  You want the egg to be on the thinner side for dredging.

Add half of the seasoning to the flour and mix that well so the seasonings are incorporated into the flour.

Use the remaining seasoning for the cube steak and let the steak sit for about 15 minutes with the seasoning on.

Take the cube steak and put it into the egg and shake off any access and then put into the flour. Coat with the flour well and shake off any access as well.  Place on a baking sheet and continue coating the remainder of the steaks.

In a cast iron skillet heat the oil until hot.   Once oil is hot add in one steak at a time not over crowding the pan.  Let the steak cook for about 2 to 3 minutes on each side until golden brown.

Remove from oil and place on a wire rack with paper towels under it to catch any oil drippings.


Note:  if cube steak is to thick use a mallet pounding the steak out the desired thickness.


Author: sledge258

I'm a wife, mom, with a full time job. I love to cook, write and photography. These are my pasions in life. With a full time job my passions tend to get put on the back burner, but I am trying to change that. I wanted to start a blog so I can bring out all of my passions in one place.

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