A Big Thank You


I want to start off with saying thank you to anyone who has stopped by my blog even if it was just for a few seconds.

I know my blog site is not what most would consider a place to be visited, but I am working on it. It took me this long just to get a schedule down where almost everyday I have something being posted.  I work full-time so by the time I get home I am so tired my brain is fired, so tying to write something is not an option.

I had put too much pressure on myself to do my blog that I got overwhelmed and just didn’t do anything. I have now decided to post things I do to get me started, and so far this is working out great. I am happy that I have gotten this far with my blogging and staying ahead.

This is my start to getting my blog on the right track. I would say that everyone has a beginning and from there they improve or change. Well this is my beginning. This is how I am starting and as time goes on I hope to improve.

So again I thank you for stopping by and acknowledging that my blog does exist.


Author: sledge258

I'm a wife, mom, with a full time job. I love to cook, write and photography. These are my pasions in life. With a full time job my passions tend to get put on the back burner, but I am trying to change that. I wanted to start a blog so I can bring out all of my passions in one place.

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